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A studying technique: SQ3R

Posted on:September 27, 2023 at 03:38 AM

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SQ3R is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite, and review. The method was introduced by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his 1946 book Effective Study.


The first step is to survey the material you want to learn. This is done by reading the introduction, the headings, and the summary. This gives the reader a general idea of what the material is about and how it is organized.


The second step is to question. This is done by turning all the headings into questions and looking for answers to the questions while reading the material. This keeps the reader’s mind active and thinking about what will be learned from reading the material.


The third step is to read. This is done by reading the material and looking for answers to the questions that were generated in the previous step. This is the first time to read the material, so it is important to read carefully and slowly.


The fourth step is to recite. This is done by reciting the answers to the questions that were generated in the second step. This is the first time the material is recited, so it is important to recite slowly and clearly.


The fifth step is to review. This is done by reviewing the material and looking for answers to the questions that were generated in the second step. This is the first time the material is reviewed, so it is important to review carefully and slowly.

Happy learning!